Monday, July 14, 2008

Look out Hassy, Phase One just released a 60 Megapixel FF back!

Phase One has just released a new 60 Megapixel, Full Frame digital back. This is some interesting news since Hasselblad just released a 50 Megapixel cropped sensor back.

The deal on cropped vs full frame is the size of the digital sensor when compared to the original format of the camera system. This new back from Phase One is the size of a 645 frame of 120 film, also known as 6 cm X 4.5 cm. Most of the other Medium Format backs to date have been smaller then a 645 frame.

Phase One is continuing to innovate in the face of stiff competition from Hasselblad. This competition benefits us all by improving technology and drive down price.

Who wants to take a bet that there will be a 100 Megapixel, Full Frame 645 back by the end of 2009?

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